Average time people spent on Facebook ,Google+,Twitter and Myspace

We determine popularity of the website by the no. of active users or concluding how much real time traffic a website is serving it's content to and so on. There is another criteria which can be used to measure the popularity of the website, specially a social networking website, because it is where people actually will spend their time to.

According to Wallstreet Journal average people spent 405 minutes on facebook in January 2012, which is the highest in it's category. Where as Google's super advertised and top project Google+ had a average 3 minutes per user, which is extremely low compared to Facebook.

Google+ is new star in the sky and it is still evolving, it can sure boost up after being matured but till then Facebook is going to rule the social networking platform to connect people.

Google will have to work very hard to soar high in the sky. Visitors using personal computers spent an average of about three minutes a month on Google+ between September and January, versus six to seven hours on Facebook each month over the same period, according to comScore, which didn't have data on mobile usage.

The fair winning criteria cannot be reached because every platform has their consequences and Google+ haven't found it's place yet. It is still so young that it doesn't know what role it really should play. We just need to wait for sometime and we will have a better place for Google's social networking platform.
According to the infographic posted by wallstreet Journal, the average time spent by visitors on other social media in January 2012 are as follow:

Pinterest -- 89 Min
Tumblr -- 89 Min
Twitter -- 21 Min
LinkedIn -- 17 Min
Myspace -- 8 Min

Here is the actual infographic posted in Wallstreet Journal:

What is the average time do you spend on Facebook or other social networking sites?


Figure sounds low. A Swedish study published in Daily mail, 6 April 2012 suggest people spend 75 minutes per day on Facebook. Personally I use twitter more as its simplicity save me some time.

nice to see a comment of great person like you in my blog and thanks for your valuable info.We posted above post based on Wallstreet Journal jan'2012.I personal prefer facebook than twitter bcz fb met for entertainment(having lot of fun like online chatting,games,etc)not only me so many students prefer.You opens twitter regularly bcz you are maintaining site based on Twitter that's why you I think so @ Jon Axel

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